Khas Super Splitter Classic

Product CodePalm 009
MaterialPremium Side Split Leather with Jersey Lining
Packaging12 pairs per polybag – 10 bags per case
SizesM, L, XL, 2XL
ApplicationFarming, Ranching, Construction, Warehousing
Is Winter Option Available?Yes


Enhance hand safety with our premium side split leather gloves, featuring a jersey lining for added protection against cuts. Engineered for durability and performance, these gloves offer superior abrasion resistance and toughness. Ideal for demanding tasks in construction, manufacturing, and rugged environments, our gloves ensure unmatched safety, comfort, and versatility. Experience top-tier quality and reliability for ultimate hand protection.

Product Features
ThumbWing Thumb
PatternGunn Cut Pattern
CuffRubberized Safety Cuff
LiningJersey Lining
ProtectionExtended Wrist Protection
FabricRed Fabric Back